Manus Neurodynamica and the NeuroMotor Pen were also presented at The Digital Health Society Summit – “Connecting Digital Health & Data Initiatives in Europe”.
The event was a two-day forum about data-driven transformation of health and social care, and it took place in Helsinki, Finland, on December 12th, 2019.
Prof Mark Von Gils, Research Professor in digital health solutions and team leader at VTT, and Rutger Zietsma, CEO at Manus, reported in the Thursday section titled Success stories of digital health transformation on the NeuroMotor PenTM as an example of the digital health transformation. The collaboration between Manus and VTT enabled to create and establish the NeuroMotor pen in diagnostics and monitoring of Parkinson’s and other neuromotor diseases.
Session: Digital Health Society Task Force 4: success stories of digital transformation
9:00 – 10:30
12th December 2019
Finlandia Hall, Helsinki, Finland
Check out the agenda for the whole event here.
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